2x6x10 T&G (350 sqft)
1 Bundle
- 350 SQFT
- 10'
- $3.60/sqft
2x6 T&G
• 2 x 6 x 10'
• Useful for decks, and also is common where it is convenient to install one product as both the underlayment and decking.
• Actual reveal: 5" | 1 3/8" Thickness
• Planed smooth, ready for sanding and optional finish• Kiln Dried so it won't warp or cup
• Knotty Southern Yellow Pine
• #2 Grade or better (few loose knots. You may need to cut out a knot here and there in a board)
• Aso works as siding and ceiling paneling
• Brighter yellow appearance than our BLUESTAIN knotty pine